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泗水Integrated Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System AVAS02

泗水Integrated Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System AVAS02

Product Brief:Low vehicle noise is not only the advantage of the new car, but also because of the low vehicle noise, it is not easy to attract the attention of other road users when driving at low speed, thus bringi…
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Product details

Low vehicle noise is not only the advantage of the new car, but also because of the low vehicle noise, it is not easy to attract the attention of other road users when driving at low speed, thus bringing new security risks. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to add a device on the vehicle to actively make certain sounds, so as to actively prompt pedestrians and other road users and effectively avoid the occurrence of safety accidents. And this device is the low-speed driving prompt sound device. The so-called "low-speed driving sound device" means that when the vehicle is in a low-speed state, that is, 0 to 20 kilometers per hour, it can emit a sound containing a certain sound pressure level, frequency information to prompt other road users of parts or components.

Necessity of Integrated AVAV02

When the vehicle is driving at low speed, the average noise outside the vehicle is obviously lower than that of the traditional internal combustion engine vehicle, which makes it difficult for other road users, including pedestrians, bicycles, etc., especially blind people and people with visual impairment to detect the approaching of the vehicle and easily lead to traffic accidents. In view of the safety of vehicles at low speeds, a great deal of research and discussion has been done in recent years by NHTSA, MLIT and WP29 of UNFXE. It is unanimously determined that warnings should be provided for vehicles with low speeds. Tip sound device to reduce the probability of traffic accidents with pedestrians. In order to avoid accidents caused by too quiet, it is necessary for domestic automobile manufacturers to formulate technical standards for low-speed driving warning sound, improve the vehicle's perception under low-speed driving conditions, enhance the safety performance of vehicles, and effectively protect the personal safety of other road users, including pedestrians.

Advantages of Integrated AVAV02

The integrated AVAV02/03 low-speed driving prompt sound device is light in weight, small in volume and small in static current. It is suitable for different vehicle type installation layout. The product mainly receives vehicle speed, gear signal and other information through the whole vehicle CAN network. In pure electric driving and non-P non-R gear, 0 km/h < vehicle speed < 30 km/h low-speed alarm start alarm, 0 km/h < vehicle speed < 20 km/h alarm volume increases with vehicle speed. Additionally, the alarm volume of 20 km/h < vehicle speed < 30 km/h decreases with the increase of vehicle speed. When the vehicle speed exceeds 30 km/h for more than one second, the sound stops.
When the vehicle is moving at a speed within the range of 5 km/h-20 km/h, it is suggested that the frequency of the 1/3 octave band specified in at least one table 1 will increase with the increase of the vehicle speed or decrease with the decrease of the vehicle speed. The minimum average frequency shift velocity of this frequency should be (> 0.8%/(km/h).
This product can be customized according to the needs of customers.

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    Telephone consultation:0086-537-4436058  Contacts:Justin Kong  Mobile phone:0086-13371220560

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